Duration: 01 January 2024 until 31 December 2026.
The European micro-credentials and professional qualifications certification system in the banking & financial services sector (thereafter- MiCreS) project ambition is to develop the first sector driven ecosystem for micro-credentials (blockchain-based) in financial services in Europe. The MiCreS project come under the Erasmus+, Forward Looking Programme (Call 2023) that has been approved by the European Commission at the end of 2023, with the duration from 01/01/2024 until 31/12/2026.
The objective of the project is focused on:
- Developing a European system for the certification of professional qualifications and related micro-credentials to implement a prototype certification on ESG for the banking and financial services sector in Europe and in third countries through a unique and innovative scope; a blockchain technology, interoperable with the European Digital Credentials for learning.
- Furthermore, supporting the green transition toward a more sustainable and responsible financial system.
As part of the project, a prototype will be developed that adds a node to an existing blockchain credentialling platform. Those achieving the micro-credentials will be awarded the professional accreditation and registered certificates by EBTN.
The project platform will be implemented within a consortium with Frankfurt School as the coordinator and 13 partners from Europe and third countries:
- European Banking & Financial Services Training Association (EBTN), Belgium
- The Institute of Bankers in Ireland (IOB), Ireland
- Institutul Bancar Roman (IBR), Romania
- Institute of Financial Services (IFS Malta), Malta
- Macedonian Banking Association (MBA), North Macedonia
- IFE Istanbul Finans Enstitusu Egitim ve Danismanlik Hizme (IFE), Turkey
- Finance & Banking, Associazione per lo Sviluppo Organizzativo e delle Risorse U.(EFFEBI), Italy
- Malta Union of Bank Employees (MUBE), Malta
- European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (EfVET), Belgium
MiCreS will benefit various groups and stakeholders, such as banks, policymakers, employees, students, authorities, trainers, and educators. It offers fast, flexible, and inclusive learning opportunities that integrate the Sustainable Finance practices into daily work. The project addresses the skills gaps and training needs in the industry, as well as to provide learners with evidence of their acquired skills and knowledge that will be recognised throughout Europe.
The Key benefits of the project will be obtained are:
- Fast access to learning ;
- Ability to re-skill and up-skill quickly;
- Mitigate the skills gap and challenges in the sector;
- Having skills and competencies recognized;
- Integrate the Sustainable Finance practices into daily work;
- Equipe the financial services professionals to green skills development at a system level;
The cost of non-degree credentials to boost employee skills comparing with traditional programmes is typically less that help to have an inclusive labour market.
For more information, follow the MiCreS LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/micresproject/ and MiCreS Website: https://micresproject.com/

Duration: 01 January 2020 – 30 August 2022. The project was officially disseminated in Barcelona in June 2022.
Financial Sustainable Literacy (SFinLit), is an innovative European project focused on innovative practices in the digital era.
We have two websites, one is this course website and the other is the project website, please visit us to find more information about the project and send us feedback if you have any comments.

The SFinLit Project is very much centred in the reinforcement of Digital, Financial Literacy and Learn to learn Competences in School Education. Financial Literacy is a core life skill for participating in modern society, and the Coronavirus crisis has highlighted how important Digital Competences related to this area are.
The SFinLit consortium – composed of 8 from across Europe including NGOs, tertiary level institutions, primary and secondary school representatives, all led by UNED – has provided a wide range of perspectives, skills and knowledge to develop digital solutions to address the objective of understanding what socially responsible finance is, show socially responsible actions development and good practices, adapted to to the needs of the target group of young students, in order to develop a training model addressing the main topic of financial literacy.
The specific project objectives are to:
- Understand what Socially Responsible Finance is
- Develop a training model addressing the main topic of Financial Literacy
- Create free online training contents and concrete tools
Online Training Resources:
This output is the result of extensive research, compilation and selection of the best content from a variety of sectors including finance, digital literacy and educational frameworks across multiple levels. These innovative and interactive online courses are fully asynchronous and self-paced – so can be taken by users at their own place and pace – but can also be integrated into classroom teaching in a variety of ways.
Recommendation Engine:
A key innovation in this project is an open and flexible recommendation engine where students choose topics of interest and the learning platform presents them with relevant learning plans related to Sustainable Financial Education training.
Teacher Framework and Guidelines:
In addition to the online training resources and associated recommendation engine, the project has also developed a set of guidelines designed to offer recommendations and guidelines for teachers on how they can effectively integrate the developed SFinLit ouputs into their teaching process.
Project Partners
- The Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia
- Munster Technological University
- Laurea-Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy
- Fundació Privada Institut D’estudis Financers
- Perifereiaki Diefthynsi Protovathmias & Defterovathmias Ekpaidefsis Thessalias
- Finance & Banking, Associazione Per Lo Sviluppo Organizzativo E Delle Risorse Umane
- European Banking & Financial Services Training Association
- European Banking & Financial Services Training Association