The EBTN Membership Meeting, including the Board Meeting, AGM, and Members Meetings, was held in Belgrade in June 2024.

EBTN Membership Meeting Marks Kick-off of MiCreS Project for Banking & Financial Services Sector. Visit the MiCreS website: www.micresproject.com #micrespartner #banking #financialsector

In Paris, members heard from Dr Laurent G.. from ColibrITD, who presented how #QuantumComputing can support companies with privacy of #communications & #cybersecurity.

EBTN is committed to showcasing #innovation & thought leadership. In Dublin Claire Tunley, CEO at Financial Services Skills Commission and Eimear McBride at IOB presented their work on Future Skills Frameworks.

New ExCo and BoD term 2023-2025:
EBTN welcomes the members of the new Executive Committee and Board of Directors elected during the Annual General Meeting in Cyprus (June 2022)!

What is EBTN?
EBTN is an international not-for-profit association, registered and located in Brussels (Belgium) at the premises of the European Banking Federation. The association is governed by two bodies, the General Meeting of Members and the Board of Directors.

The European Banking & Financial Services Training Association (EBTN) is the united voice of providers of vocational education and training in the financial industry and an international network of banking institutes.

Vision & Values
A qualified, continuously learning, ethical community of banking and financial services professionals contributing to a responsible global economy and society.

Establish, continuously develop, and promote the best sustainable education and qualification standards in banking and financial services in Europe, connecting and facilitating a community of leading education organisations and international alliances, with better outcomes for banking and financial services professionals, financial services firms, consumers, and society.
Areas of
EBTN Accredited
EBTN Accredited (formerly Triple E) manifests the ambition of EBTN to contribute to a sound financial industry throught transparent professional qualifications.
Gives you the fundamental knowledge, skills and competences that ensures you receive the best foundation for success in your services.
Financial Literacy
The vision of the Financial Literacy Committee is to place EBTN – as an association of professional training providers.
European Projects
EBTN has succesfully implemented many EU projects in the area of banking and financial services training. We are open to opportunities for collaboration.
Participate in
Members Events
EBTN is open to welcome industry leaders and academics from related fields to participate in and speak at our events. For more information kindly contact EBTN via email: [email protected]
Participate in
Members Events
EBTN is open to welcome industry leaders and academics from related fields to participate in and speech at our events.
EBTN Accredited
EBTN Accredited (formerly Trople E) manifests the ambition of EBTN to contribute to a sound financial industry throught transparent professional qualifications.
Gives you the fundamental knowledge, skills and competences that ensures you receive the best foundation for success in your services.
Financial Literacy
The vision of the Financial Literacy Committee is to place EBTN – as an association of professional training providers.
European Projects
EBTN has succesfully implemented many EU Projects in the area of banking and financial services training. We are open to opportunities for collaboration.
What our
Members Say

Frankfurt School of Management & Finance (Germany)
“EBTN stand for over 30 years of professional collaboration and friendship between executives with a passion for vocational education and training in banking and financial services”
IBE NBS (Slovakia)
“I see EFCB EBTN Accredited as a golden standard for junior bank professionals, and the qualification gives you the way to propel your career to next level.”
ITCB, International Training Center for Bankers Ltd. (Hungary)
“With this accreditation, Hungarian professionals can gain a qualification that is recognized throughout Europe, and thus increase their career prospects.”
Association of Serbian Banks (Serbia)
“We benefit by exchange of experiences in the national frameworks and also creating new initiatives.”
Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (UK)
“EBTN Tripple E accreditation is a testament to the quality and standards CISI candidates need to meet to achieve success in these global professional qualifications.”
IBE NBS (Slovakia)
“I see Tripple E EFCB as a golden standard for junior bank professionals, and the qualification gives you the way to propel your career to next level.”
ITCB, International Training Center for Bankers Ltd. (Hungary)
“With this accreditation, Hungarian professionals can gain a qualification that is recognized throughout Europe, and thus increase their career prospects.”
Association of Serbian Banks
“We benefit by exchange of experiences in the national frameworks and also b creating new initiatives.”