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List & Location of Members

EBTN is open to organisations of various nationalities and is composed of Full Members and Associate Members.

Our Full Members are associations, institutes and other organisations from any Council of Europe member state providing, on a regular basis, banking and financial services education and training or whose objectives are related to banking and financial services education and training, and having an established relationship with representative national banking and financial services associations; and/or an established relationship with a significant number of national banking and financial services institutions.

Our Associate Members are associations, institutes and other organisations providing, on a regular basis, banking and financial services education and training or whose objectives are related to banking and financial services education and training.

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Full Members



Febelfin Academy  Mr. Bart Courthous Belgium
Effebi Association Mr. Mario Spatafora Italy
Institute of Financial Services  Mr. Peter Calleya Malta
IBE NBS – Institute of Banking Education of the National Bank of Slovakia  Mrs. Raluca Benko Slovakia
FS – Frankfurt School of Finance & Management  Mrs. Fatma Dirkes Germany
Aalto University Executive Education Ltd. Mrs. Jenna Anttonen Finland
Finance Finland Mrs. Katja Repo Finland
ABIFormazione Mrs. Aida Maisano Italy
Hellenic Banking Institute of the Hellenic Bank Association Mrs. Sophia Ziakou Greece
The Bank Association of Slovenia Mr. Matej Krumberger Slovenia
Institute of Financial Services Mr. Andreas Christou Cyprus
IBR-RBI – Romanian Banking Institute Mrs. Emanuela Savu Romania
IEF – Institut d’Estudis Financiers  Mr. Ferran Teixes Spain
NIBE-SVV – Dutch Institute for Banking Insurance and Investment Mr. Aart Verrips Netherlands
UBS-ASB – Association of Serbian Banks Mrs. Sladjana Sredojevic Serbia
Bankarkepzo – Institute for Training and Consulting in Banking Mrs. Judit Toth Hungary
WIB – Foundation Warsaw Institute of Banking  Mrs. Mariola Szymanska-Koszczyc Poland
Chartered Banker Institute Mrs. Jennifer Prew UK
IFB – The Portuguese Bank Training Institute Mrs. Marta Carvalho Portugal
The Institute of Banking Mr. Ken O’Sullivan Ireland
Ecole Superieure de la Banque Mrs. Corinne Ianboukhtine France
UBA – Union of Banks of Armenia  Mr. Seyran Sargsyan  Armenia
Banking Association of North Macedonia Maja Stevkova-Shterieva North Macedonia